Timi Hadra
Outgoing Board Chair Timi Hadra was named the 2022 Greater Good Award recipient, amongst family, friends, and colleagues, for her regional advocacy and dedication to the region throughout her career. Timi, who is a partner at IBM at Rocket Center, WV, is the longest serving Board Chair in TGCC’s 22 year history, and has employed her positions at both IBM and TGCC to be a steward for greater attention and development throughout the region.
Throughout Timi’s four-year stint as Board Chair, TGCC has secured more than $1.8 billion in grant funding for projects and initiatives ranging from MD and PA commitments to complete US 219 to a regional housing study. Timi is known for her selfless leadership and is the epitome of “less fame, more gain,” which is exactly why she has been named our 2022 Greater Good Award recipient.