Colleen Peterson

Colleen T. Peterson has 40 years of experience as an administrator in higher education and not- for-profit management. Her career includes serving as Vice President for a University Advancement at Frostburg State University (Maryland) and Executive Director of The Greater Cumberland Committee. Currently, she provides consulting services to businesses and not-for-profit organizations in the areas of strategic planning and capacity development. Her clients include Railey Mountain Lake Vacations, United Way, Frostburg State University, and the YMCA of Cumberland.
Ms. Peterson is an active member of her community and has served or is serving on a number of boards including the Allegany County Visitors Bureau (Chair, Board member), the Maryland State Chamber of Commerce (Board member), the Senator J. Glenn Beall Institute for Public Affairs (Secretary, Board member), Frostburg First Main Street Program (Board member), Allegany Arts Council (Board member), the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (Communications Committee Chair, Board member), Western Maryland Scenic Railroad (Board member), Canal Place Authority (Board member), and the North/South Appalachian Highway Work Group (Chair).