Shawn Bender

by | 09.13.2020

Shawn is the Chief Operating Officer of Beitzel Corporation and Pillar Innovations. Operating out of various locations across the United States, Beitzel and Pillar provide construction, service, and support to the industrial sector, including energy, mining, and manufacturing. Shawn joined the Beitzel Corporation team in 2003 to develop the excavation side of the business. Since then, he has held various roles in the Beitzel/Pillar team, as it has grown to employ over 500.

Shawn was a member of Governor Martin O’Malley’s Marcellus Shale Safe Drilling Initiative (2011-14) and also served on various local advisory committees focused on shale gas development. Shawn and his wife Sarah have four daughters and live on a small farm north of Accident Maryland.


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