Ashley Centofonti

Ashley Centofonti is 27 years old and is originally from Romney, WV. She’s a graduate of Potomac State College, West Virginia University with a Bachelor of Applied Science Business Management.
Ashley has been with Mineral County Tourism for almost 2 years now. In this short time, she has worked hard to begin to get Mineral County on the map as a West Virginia destination. Ashley has made connections at regional and state level, meets regularly with these connections, and works hand in hand with them on projects and other various activities. Ashley is very passionate and enthusiastic when it comes to building tourism in Mineral County. Since Ashley began working in the county in 2016 (with the Mineral County Development Authority), she has strived to make it a better place to live. Now, 4 years later, Ashley continues to work daily to put Mineral County on the map and to help it prosper.
Ashley currently resides in Keyser, WV with her fiancé Nick Rotruck, and their two dogs Titan and Athena.